We try to visit the Library often enough to take part in all the cool things they have on offer. Auron really likes the story time they have on, but you aren't a great fan until it is time to do the craft and they put the bubble machine on. You usually play with the cushions rolling them around the room and then getting upset if any other kid wants one, because you need all 6 of them...
Thursday, 19 November 2015
You and I went on a little date together to the shopping centre. I can't remember where daddy and Auron were but I think perhaps they were at the movies. Whenever I ask you what you would like to have for a treat you always say "chicken n chips" (Unfortunately with an Australian accent). So we always go to KFC and get a popcorn chicken snack box for $3.95. I almost never buy one for myself but then I end up eating half of yours. Lucky for me you don't mind sharing...most of the time.
I love being able to spend time with you just by ourselves. You say that I am your best friend, I love that. (right now i just sent you to your room so I don't think I am your best friend at the moment)
I love being able to spend time with you just by ourselves. You say that I am your best friend, I love that. (right now i just sent you to your room so I don't think I am your best friend at the moment)
Face Plant
Yesterday afternoon I took you to have a nap because you were being too sensitive about everything. You were obviously not happy about the idea and cried and cried even though I stayed in the room with you. You fell asleep sitting up in the middle of the bed, once you had fallen asleep you face planted down on to the bed and didn't even wake up. When I went to get you up a few hours later you were still in the same face plant position. Guess someone was SUPER tired!!!!
Peppa Pig Train
Last week you and Auron were so so well behaved while we were out that I tookyou to BigW adn let you buy what ever you wanted (within reason). You chose a Peppa Pig Train with a Peppa and George weeble. I loved how thankful you were. You kept saying "oh thanks Mummy, I love it Mummy"
A Trip to Marcelle's
Last Saturday we took Auron out for his birthday. We took you to spend the afternoon with Marcelle. She loooooooves you so much and was very excited to spend the afternoon with you. She took you to the indoor playground and over to Pina and Emile's. When we arrived to pick you up you were tucked up fast asleep on the couch with Dora dolls. You had a little table set up next to you with lots of little treats like juice and popcorn. You had such a great time getting spoilt rotten!
Thursday, 9 April 2015
A New Hair Style
For a few days you have been asking me to straighten you hair but I have been a bit against it because its hard enough to get you to sit still long enough to do your hair usually. The idea of adding a flaming hot straightening iron into the mix seemed a bit too risqué.
Alas we decided to try. I made a whole experience out of it for you. You had a bath and I gave your hair and good wash and a nice head massage. After your bath we blow dried it, which you loved (a total different experience from last time when you ran away scared!). You were even happy for me to brush your "naughty" hair.
You sat in the chair and read books while I worked. It took almost a full hour 'til it was done. Here's the result:
Alas we decided to try. I made a whole experience out of it for you. You had a bath and I gave your hair and good wash and a nice head massage. After your bath we blow dried it, which you loved (a total different experience from last time when you ran away scared!). You were even happy for me to brush your "naughty" hair.
You sat in the chair and read books while I worked. It took almost a full hour 'til it was done. Here's the result:
Toilet Training
This past week we have been toilet training. It's been 'interesting' to say the least. You are so so ready to do it. The other day you told me that you didn't want to wear nappies any more so I took that as my cue to start getting serious about it. Our deal is, that you can only use the iPad when you go to the toilet. We ran out of internet quota because of how long you spend in there! but we haven't had any accidents for 3 days so I'll count that as a success. I can't wait to have you out of nappies!!!!!!!'
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Sometimes Auron wants to keep you company |
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Look at that crazy hair |
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
A Singer Perhaps?
Just the other day I caught you singing the ABC song, it was almost word perfect and in tune. I have never taught you that song, I think you must have learnt it off iTunes. I was quite impressed and also a little relived that I didn't have to worry about teaching it to you.
You also LOVE the 'Let it Go' song from the Frozen movie. We hear your rendition multiple times a day. Often you will stand on the table or chair and sing it at the top of your voice, with a blanket around you "like Princess Elsa". Although Daddy is sick to death of Frozen he can't help but find it adorable.
You also LOVE the 'Let it Go' song from the Frozen movie. We hear your rendition multiple times a day. Often you will stand on the table or chair and sing it at the top of your voice, with a blanket around you "like Princess Elsa". Although Daddy is sick to death of Frozen he can't help but find it adorable.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Oh how I love your sweet little prayers. You love to pray, I am always catching you praying quietly in bed or when your playing with your toys. You often want to pray when we are out shopping, so we stop in the middle of the supermarket to pray. I don't want you to think it is anything to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I love to see your little testimony grow. You are really beginning to understand all about prayer and have begun prayer for specific things and being very thoughtful about the things you say.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Since your name is so long it has often been shortened to few different things. I'm surprised you aren't confused! Usually you have been called Lili. Auron calls you Yana-Mei because he couldn't say his "L's" properly. Some of your Aunties and Uncles call you "Lils"
See, I am sure I would be confused. Just recently you have seemed to have a preference to what you like to be called and with which name you identify with. You like to be called Lili-Mei.
I wonder how long this will last? When we were deciding on your name we knew it would be shortened but we were never sure what it would be shortened to.
See, I am sure I would be confused. Just recently you have seemed to have a preference to what you like to be called and with which name you identify with. You like to be called Lili-Mei.
I wonder how long this will last? When we were deciding on your name we knew it would be shortened but we were never sure what it would be shortened to.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Sly Fox
Sly Fox is your all time FAVOURITE game. You saw it on an episode of Peppa Pig. We play it everyday, multiple times a day and usually always play it for our Family Time game at night.
You are a bit of a sneaky cheater though! Auron makes sure he holds your hand so you don't "go"when you are supposed to be "stopped" I think he likes to try and hold yo back so you don't win too!
You are a bit of a sneaky cheater though! Auron makes sure he holds your hand so you don't "go"when you are supposed to be "stopped" I think he likes to try and hold yo back so you don't win too!
Talk Talk Talk
Talking is what you do best. Oh my goodness sometimes I wish I had a mute button. YOu talk from the moment you walk up to the moment you go to sleep. I am shocked that you aren't a sleep talker too!
Sometimes you talk so fast I don't have a clue what you are saying. You love to boss everyone around especially Auron. Lucky for you he is quite compliant and usually does what you ask.
Along with your non stop jibber jabber comes beautiful manners! Oh how I love your manners. There is something so sweet about you when you, say "thank you Mummy!" I love it.
Sometimes you talk so fast I don't have a clue what you are saying. You love to boss everyone around especially Auron. Lucky for you he is quite compliant and usually does what you ask.
Along with your non stop jibber jabber comes beautiful manners! Oh how I love your manners. There is something so sweet about you when you, say "thank you Mummy!" I love it.
Saturday, 24 January 2015
When Your Bed is too Far Away
Last night you were again not wanting to go to bed (I feel that your bad sleeping habits are all I write about!) After a few mins of protesting we figured you had given up and got back into your bed and gone to sleep. When I went in to check on you and tuck you in before I went to bed I couldn't get in the door because you had fallen asleep on the floor. You had even covered yourself up with a blanket. We had to take a quick photo before we popped you back in bed for the night.
I love this photo of you and Daddy |
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Subway and Cuddles
Today we took a big step in getting back to normal life, we went to the shopping centre by ourselves. I think you and Auron were really really happy to get out of the house for the day. I was happy to know that I can do it by myself with all 3 of you kiddos. You were all well behaved, such a blessing. First we got our usual Subway for lunch. Auron and you share a six inch ham on wheat with cheddar cheese and nothing else. The sandwich maker always laughs when we order than. We top it off with a double chocolate chip cookie and raspberry fizzy drink to share. Auron always makes sure we don't forget to get Daddy a macadamia cookie too.
After lunch the bakery had set up a little stall for kids to decorate sticky buns. You had great fun decorating but only ate the icing off the top then threw out the actual bun.
Last night you slept we us in our bed because you were being so ridiculously cute I couldn't put you to bed I just wanted to snuggle up to you all night. You kept asking me to sing you songs, while you cuddled up nice and close.
After lunch the bakery had set up a little stall for kids to decorate sticky buns. You had great fun decorating but only ate the icing off the top then threw out the actual bun.
Last night you slept we us in our bed because you were being so ridiculously cute I couldn't put you to bed I just wanted to snuggle up to you all night. You kept asking me to sing you songs, while you cuddled up nice and close.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
I'm Not Tired
Every day you fight it, fight it til the very end...SLEEP!!!! I don't know why you despise sleep so so so much! It's been like that since the very day you were born. In the hospital you refused to sleep unless the lights were on and even then you still didn't want to sleep unless you were right beside me. Nothing much has changed in the past 2 years. Every night and afternoon we have the sleep fight. I really hope one day (in the not too distant future) you will realise how magnificent sleep really is. Today you were adament you didn't need a sleep, but you still obediently got up on the couch. It was within 2 mins from your head hitting the pillow that you were out like a light for the next 2 hours. Guess you really were sleepy after all.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Lili Loves Her Daddy
I love this photo of you and Daddy. We took it on News Years Day at Lazy Moe's. We went there for breakfast. Auron and you call it the Pancake Place because you always order pancakes with strawberries or marshmallows. Daddy and you have a special relationship, he has always been better at getting you to sleep and has so much more patience with you than I do. Daddy often lays in bed with you at night until you fall asleep. Ever since Ammon has been born you have been much more of a Daddy's girl and I think Daddy has enjoyed having that extra closeness from you too. Sometimes you are going so full speed all the time it's rare to get a long cuddle with you.
Yesterday Daddy saw a Peppa Pig ball, he went back especially to buy it for you. When we got home he wrote your name on it for you. I think that was the highlight of your day.
Yesterday Daddy saw a Peppa Pig ball, he went back especially to buy it for you. When we got home he wrote your name on it for you. I think that was the highlight of your day.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Left Behind...
Auron moved up into Primary today and left you behind in Nursery. After sacrament you raced away before I could stop you, luckily by the time I went to look for you, you had made it to Nursery by yourself. I tried to take your Peppa Pig off you because you aren't the greatest sharer so taking toys to class usually causes a lot of fights. Your little heart broken face tugged at my heart strings so I let you keep Peppa since you were upset Auron wasn't coming to class with you. This is the first time you have been separated, you are usually joined at the hip even at home.
In other news, you now love baby Ammon.
In other news, you now love baby Ammon.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Happy New Year Liliana-Mei
It's the first day of a brand new year. I am sure this year is going to be one full of great adventures and I can't wait to start them with you!
You are our little 2 year old mischief maker.You are always getting into something, for example today Daddy caught you eating his chocolate cake and peaches out of the fridge. The fridge is one of your favourite places to be sneaky! I often find you eating yoghurt by the handful even though I try to remind you to use a spoon you always prefer your hands.
Peppa Pig is your all time favourite thing right now. Today we needed to wash your Peppa Pig blanket and you cried and cried and cried for a full hour. There was snot all over your face too, it was GROSS. Everyone buys you Peppa Pig stuff so you have a good little collection going on but the blanket is your favourite. Aunty Mel bought it for your 2nd birthday.
Even though Peppa Pig is your favourite you also love to play super heros with Auron. You are always the damsel in distress and Auron the hero who swoops in to save you. Tonight Auron made you wait to be saved until he had put on his Spiderman suit.
You are headstrong and stubborn. Although it makes life difficult some days I am so glad you have those traits. I pray that they will stay with you your whole life so that when temptation and the adversary present themselves you will be able to have the strength to stand strong for that which you know to be true and right.
Happy New Year our beautiful little princess
Mummy and Daddy
You are our little 2 year old mischief maker.You are always getting into something, for example today Daddy caught you eating his chocolate cake and peaches out of the fridge. The fridge is one of your favourite places to be sneaky! I often find you eating yoghurt by the handful even though I try to remind you to use a spoon you always prefer your hands.
Peppa Pig is your all time favourite thing right now. Today we needed to wash your Peppa Pig blanket and you cried and cried and cried for a full hour. There was snot all over your face too, it was GROSS. Everyone buys you Peppa Pig stuff so you have a good little collection going on but the blanket is your favourite. Aunty Mel bought it for your 2nd birthday.
Even though Peppa Pig is your favourite you also love to play super heros with Auron. You are always the damsel in distress and Auron the hero who swoops in to save you. Tonight Auron made you wait to be saved until he had put on his Spiderman suit.
You are headstrong and stubborn. Although it makes life difficult some days I am so glad you have those traits. I pray that they will stay with you your whole life so that when temptation and the adversary present themselves you will be able to have the strength to stand strong for that which you know to be true and right.
Happy New Year our beautiful little princess
Mummy and Daddy
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